Genetically Modified Cows Produce Milk Similar To Human Milk

Genetic modification may be a controversial subject to many people, especially those concerning GM food. But the bad press that the technology may have gotten in the last few years have not stopped scientists in the industry to somehow develop new ways to harness its potentials. Just one of the recent advancements that genetic modification […]

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Scientists Against Human Trials On GM Wheat

Recent news have come out about Australia’s plan to test GM wheat on humans. The CSIRO, or Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia’s national science agency, is planning to test GM wheat grown in the ACT (Australian Capital Territory) by feeding it on rats and pigs. But along the way it also plans to […]

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Genetically Modified Mosquitoes To Control Dengue Fever

It seems that the wide use for genetic modification may not just be limited to the agriculture industry. Scientists may now be on the way of using genetic modification in trying to control the spread of diseases through its many carriers. An initial experiment that has already been underway has been using genetically modified mosquitoes […]

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The Politics Over GM Food

The debate over GM food still remains unsettled as ever. It has been going on for several years now. Both sides have their own strong points and why they stand firm on that. But while the debate has been going on through various avenues, probably one of the most tightly contested battlegrounds remains to be […]

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Insect Resistance To Bt Toxins Increasing In Insect Resistant GM Crops

While biotech companies are trying to extol the many benefits of using GM crops to many farmers, there seems to be a growing concern of its long term effects and for what it may possibly do to the environment at large. For example, scientists have recently conducted an insect resistance review of insects to Bt […]

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Facts About GM Food

While people today are aware about the presence of genetically modified food, it might sometimes surprise some that the scope that most people may think it covers may actually be bigger than what they are led to believe. True, GM food has pervaded the consumer food chain in more ways than one. And it is […]

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